Mind games aren’t just a problem with shootings
We are all told to be law-abiding citizens yet wouldn’t it only be fair if everyone followed the law. Let’s take some of the homeless people with their reckless behavior for example. We don’t do much when we see a homeless person behave wildly around us or yell inappropriate things. We accept it because we assume most of them are mentally ill. But isn’t this one of the single points of failure in our society. What if people start to dress up as homeless and take the law into their own hands, are they free to misbehave as they please. Since we have trained our minds to ignore and look the other way, when we see homeless people doing mischief, they are free to do whatever they want. A homeless person could piss on the public seats we sit on. How many public seats have we all sat on? Do we think twice before sitting? Shouldn’t we? Is this something that we could just keep ignoring? Why not handle it now. The goal of this post isn’t to bash the homeless community. I have is compassion for all humans. That’s why my concern right now isn’t about the homeless crisis or mental illness as a whole, but rather about one’s mind. No doctor will say you are mentally ill if your mind is playing games against you. Early stages of depression, anxiety, comparison of yourself to others, etc are some examples. They are blaming mental illness for shootings but most shootings aren’t from mentally ill people. However, there is something wrong with their mind, I call it mind games. So, I’m here to declare war on the epidemic that is overtaking society, mind games.
A crisis now and what can we do
There’s a reason why I like science more than religion. One allows the flexibility to be claimed incorrect and revamped for a more accurate solution while the other is stuck as the only truth. Science is all about coming up with theories and an endless hunt for the truth. That’s what I’m doing here, starting an awareness on something that I noticed is bothering many people I’ve encountered, mind games. Our politics could use the same. Let’s take a tragic event that took place in Uvalde, Texas. We can argue that gun laws have been around for the last 60 years, so why do we need to update them now. I agree to a certain length this is true because this is simple induction. We observe that violence taking place today is with guns, so we assume taking away guns will universally end violence. However, if someone comes with another weapon and creates harm, we are back at the drawing board. So am I saying we shouldn’t do anything with the current gun laws? Absolutely no, because that also means that we are accepting that people will never grow and evolution doesn’t exist. Today, we have more access to information at our fingertips and thus we are more intelligent. Obviously, bad side effects are unavoidable so with our brains now being exposed to so much information, mental health issues will occur as well. Not diagnosable mental illness but mind games. This is part of evolution, and obviously, some of the more sensitive minds will have mind game symptoms as we as humans evolve. Luckily, we don’t live in a world that abides by “survival of the fittest”, but instead one where we help each other. We work as a community so that everyone can move forward and live in harmony. I think addressing mind games with a scalable answer is the core solution. However, it doesn’t mean that we have to allow the violence to continue in the meantime. We have to update our laws to accommodate the changing world. I think til we address our mind game issues, we need to have a cap on gun availability. I understand it’s still easy to get a gun in the black market or even turn to other weapons but some of these “18-year-olds” may not go to the black market before they decide to shoot up a school and thus we can avoid more cases.
The sustainable solution we need to think about
Why is it hard to change gun laws, maybe it’s because the gun companies don’t want to miss out on profits. The rich are still not satisfied therefore the poor and middle class keeps getting manipulated and distracted to ensure the rich keeps growing. There is no justice when there are too many people being oppressed. Solving mind games may also cure the rich. The rich are addicted to profits and have lost their minds to greed. It is easy for them to ignore reality and avoid their own problems in life by turning to money for short-term gratification.
Have compassion for all beings, rich and the poor alike; each has their sufferring. Some suffer too much, others too little
This all is just my opinion/theory on the problem, so what is my theory on the solution? I believe software has definitely had a role in creating these issues. We will also use technology to solve them. Social media is blamed for the spread of mental illness but it has also solved a lot of issues in the world by making communication accessible to anyone. Social media is also beautiful because it can utilize a peer-to-peer network and a solution can spread exponentially. This could be something that we can leverage to solve the crisis of mind games. We need to cure the rich first so they can help us cure the world. What that algorithm will look I don’t know today but I have hope in our world that we will find it.